Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Grey is the new Black

As handsome as everyone looks in a tux, I don’t feel a black tux is the way to go for our evening garden wedding. Maybe I’m wrong here but I just love the way a grey suit looks!
I even thought all the guys should just wear vests and no jackets except Patrick who would of course wear a 3 piece suit. I know it is an evening wedding but I think because it is in the spring and not a black tie wedding that gray would be such a great alternative. When I had first decided I really did not want any black in the wedding I thought about navy or kaki. It didn’t take me long to forget about kaki ... it is too light for an evening wedding. Now Navy I love and still love but no one else seemed to love it as much so I was then turned to grey. Grey looks fantastic with purple and green. The thing is I love the darker grey suits and they are hard to come by … well affordable ones are hard to come by. I found this J. Crew suit and fell in love but I think it’s a little rude to ask the groomsmen to shell out $600+ for a suit. So this option is out. (so sexy though)
I found out that Jos. A Banks now rents tuxes AND suits (they go through Jim's Formalware) so I went on there but they only have a grey tux (the same grey tux Men’s Warehouse has). It’s definitely a nice looking tux I must say (it could be the really handsome model) but I found lots of pictures who felt this was nice as well. The thing is I cannot stand colored vests. I think its tacky and so “Wedding” lol Please do not take offense if you are having or had colored vests in your wedding it's just not my style. I know it IS a wedding but I just don’t like it. I want the vests to be the same as the suit and have the tie and boutonnière show case the wedding colors, maybe even a colored shirt. I think that looks so stylish and I adore it.


So really I need to try and either find a darker grey suit for rent or find one on an amazing sell. I also found a lot of pictures where the groom was in a different shade then the groomsmen and I must say I do like the way that looks.So what should I do? Rent, buy, keep searching and hope something comes up in the next couple months? And everyone thought men were easy ;-)


  1. Grey suits is the new black I agree but even then they never go out of fashion.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would LOOOOOVE to know if you ever found a place that rents out nice grey suits? I am still searching for them!!! thanks!! Please let me know :)
