Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting Back On Track

I have not been very inspired lately and I apologize. I had a little set back in the wedding department this weekend when my best guy friend whom we had asked to marry us had to back out due to unforeseen circumstances, COMPLETELY not his fault. Patrick and I have decided that maybe this is fate and we are just going to hire someone for the job. Yes it is a lot more money but sometimes you just have to go that route. Thankfully we are saving a bunch of money with our rentals so it shouldn’t put a stress on our budget. It seems that every time I find a way to save money something comes up that evens it back out to what it was before. It’s a little frustrating but I know that when the day comes it will all be worth it. I have faith :-)

I am feeling like these days are just flying by! We have 15 weeks and 5 days to go! Its insanity and I am FREAKING out lol. Really I am just worried about the décor and me getting into shape, not just for the wedding but the half marathon I am planning on running the weekend before the wedding and I am training for a 10k right now that is on February 26th! I am swearing off all fried, fatty, bad for me foods until I slip into that wedding dress on the day of the wedding! This is actually very hard for me because there is nothing I love more than a delicious juicy CHEESEBURGER! It’s really horrible; I think the devil had to have invented those darn things because there is nothing better. I keep struggling with my healthy eats and my yummy delicious sweets ... I am SUCH a stress eater but I've been REALLY good about turning from the "Dark side" of the food force.
I actually cook really healthy; lots of baked chicken which I only season with herbs and pepper (sometimes I grill pork to switch it up), I don’t add salt because there is enough injected into the meat when you buy it. I get mixed frozen veggies with I sauté in EVOO and I usually make red potatoes or rice for the starch. I would love to make fish but Patrick isn’t crazy about it which sucks because I LOVE fish and it is SO good for you! Last summer I made fish all the time and we lost so much weight … I’m thinking he is just going to have to suck it up for the next 15 weeks so I can get to my goal!This year I decided instead of a New Years Resolution I would just have goals. I feel like resolutions are just for wishing and not for doing :-)

Pictures by Robert Dale

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