Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bee Yourself

I am an avid WeddingBee’er, so much so that I originally created this blog in the hopes of becoming a “Miss” blogger on the site. I was going to be Miss Manatee haha I have a complete obsession with manatees. I just adore them, they are super lazy, just going with the sway of the ocean and eating all day long.

After my first entry I was hooked, then I got my first followers which weren’t even people I knew and I was so excited! People who don’t know me read my blog?! Get out of town, this is fantastic! I felt like this was a place to get out everything I have on my mind about life. It’s so therapeutic.

So after 3 weeks I had enough entries to apply to Wedding Bee but I didn’t. I wasn’t so sure anymore. This blog had become my escape and release from all the stress I already have, so did I really want to turn that into something else I “had” to do? So I put it on the back burner and continued my blog.

Finally last week I decided after spending a couple hours on reading “Miss” blogs on the Bee I said eff it and decided to apply. I mean this is why I started this blog right? So I applied and waited, I said to myself if they didn’t accept me no big deal I was happy with my blog as it was. But then yesterday I got an email from the Wedding Bee. I had not been accepted, and surprisingly I was a little crushed and disappointed, maybe more than a little. I guess when you put something as personal and close to you as my blog had become to me it stings a little when not everyone likes it. But what was I so upset about? I love my blog and it’s so completely me! It’s not the end of the world, and take it as a sign that I should focus on my blog and keep doing my thing. I have a small but amazing following, two of which are my favorite blogs and I would have never found if I hadn’t started this blog and they had found me. Things happen for a reason. So thank you to everyone who follows and reads my blog! You have truly inspired me.

1 comment:

  1. oh lady, do not even worry about it!!!! your blog is amazing - it's YOU!! i was declined twice and it was the best thing to happen to me, because it forced me to make the blog about me and not about trying to fit in to another site!

    in fact, i wrote this for ladies just like you :)
