Friday, December 10, 2010

A Gravy State of Mind

This is for all the people requesting a non-wedding related post :-)

The Lone Star State, I don’t think so. Since moving to Texas from PA I have come to the realization that Texans LOVE gravy. I mean honestly I have never seen such an obsession, besides the obsession Texas has with it’s self but that is an entirely different topic.

Now fried food is BIG down here, yes you can find it any where in the US of A but not to the degree it is here. Back in PA if you order chicken fingers most people get honey mustard….. or the occasional BBQ sauce, but gravy? No sir. In my opinion gravy is strictly for baked/roasted variety of meats. Why on earth would I bread something, FRY it and then smother it in gravy? And not just any gravy mind you, but a white cream gravy that is the consistency of paste …. I mean YUCK!

And the processes of making this gravy, Dear Lord save us all. Now coming from a pretty good cooking family I know how to make gravy, and so I just assumed that to make cream gravy it would be butter, flour and cream …. How wrong I was my friends. If you are a vegetarian do NOT eat the white gravy!!! So what they first do is fry the food, than they take that grease the food was just fried in and add flour and cream. SO for breakfast cream gravy they will cook up that bacon and sausage and use that fat and grease to make the gravy. Are you kidding me?! So basically you are pouring the grease you just cooked your food in ALL over the food. I think I will pass and save my insurance from paying for the triple bypass.

Food in which gravy is served with/on:

  • Biscuits

  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Chicken Fingers
  • Steak Fingers (exactly what is sounds like people)

  • French Fries
  • Pork Chops
  • Fried Chicken Livers
  • Shit on a Shingle (which is Texas talk for Creamed Chipped Beef which is the ONLY thing in PA that I know is served with cream gravy and if you don’t know what it is, it’s a piece of toast smothered in cream gravy that has corn beef in it … also my fiancé's favorite dish and something I find repulsive lol)
  • Fried Chicken Steak
  • Chicken Fried Steak (not to be confused with the above, this is a thin almost ground steak that it flattened, breaded like chicken and fried ... hence the name)

Bare in mind that some of these things I didn't even know existed until I decided to write this. I am actually more disturbed now than I was before. The people at my work in which I got a lot of my information from, looked at me in shock and awe when I said I had no idea what the heck Steak Fingers were. I have been in Texas for 16 months and never heard of it till today, but then again I'm sure now that I know about it I will start seeing it on every fast food menu. In fact I'm sure most of the time when I thought I saw someone eating french toast sticks that they were in fact steak fingers. Baffles the mind.


  1. I never knew the gravy I ate when we visited you in TX was made with the grease the food was friend in!! Thanks for letting me know so I can never eat it again!!

    Also, you forgot to mention the best condiment for chicken fingers. Honey Mustard? BBQ Sauce?! Blech, Meg!! You know the only thing that belongs on chicken fingers is KETCHUP!!!

    --Your fave future sister in law

  2. I HEART gravy! I've been a vegetarian for 15 years but I have a blissful ignorance about gravy. It's SOO good with EVERYTHING!
