Saturday, July 16, 2011

Random Emails to My Husband

There is nothing I love more than sending love notes to my hubby. I call them love notes but really they are just crazy ramblings in which to annoy and bother him at work. Now some might think that it is absurd how much I email my husband while at work BUT in my defense I am very ADHD and if i do not say something when I am in the "now" it goes POOF and is gone and mostly like will never remember; thus, the emails .... here are just some from today.

Hi love,
welcome to work on Saturday the worst day EVER :)
I hope you have a fantastic day cause I LOVE you!
I think we should buy like 4 lobsters and OD on buttery lobster flesh tonight. YAY!

Dearest P Murph,
Brandi and Paul are having a little shin-dig at their place to night. I would very much like us to attend because I need some socializing. Otherwise I might become an unscocialized, ill-behaved MeggyLou and start acting poorly in public and being crazy around the house and might even start biting. And you KNOW that would be bad because if I snap at a person they could lock me up and maybe even … {gulp} give me the eternal sleep :-o

To whom it may concern,
I am in need of a payment method so I may go purchase preventative baby control (PBC). If a payment method is not received by 5:00pm today than the chance of a baby increases dramatically.
Thank you for your time.

{This is not a stalling method in which to distract you from the fact that I have not yet posted promised wedding pictures nor the picture video my lovely photographer emailed to me LAST week .... definitely not.}

1 comment:

  1. just saying 4 lobsters and ODing on butter sounds like best.idea.ever.
